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How To Prepare for College Visits and Fairs

The return to school is near. And for some, that might mean college applications are too. As a part of your due diligence, you might be trying to take advantage of college visits and fairs where you can talk to admissions teams and even college students themselves about what their institution has to offer.

But before you get to pulling your hair out and going on a Threads rant, we’ve gone ahead and thought of some questions that will hopefully make it easier to figure out what to ask so that you can narrow down which colleges and universities you want to apply to. Take a look at the questions that’ll take you from a short-list of 22 colleges and universities to something just a bit 🤏 more manageable...

When going into these conversations, it’s important to know what you’re seeking to get out of your college experience. While getting into a dynamic accounting program might definitely be at the top, college is not all about academics. Figure out what you want your on campus and professional life to be like. Having this in the back of your mind, will help you curate your questions better and analyze whether or not the answers meet your needs.


Ensure you’re going to be set up for a successful accounting education.

You’re typically going to be in a room with a bunch of other curious students, so try to avoid asking questions that already are available in their pamphlets or website. This is your opportunity to talk to the source, so be intentional.

While the general admissions team might know the answers to these questions, see if you can attend an accounting department information session or speak to an accounting major or professor.

On Campus Life 🏫

Compare the accounting program and academic support at each school.

Career 💼

See how they will support your path towards having a successful career in accounting.

Fun fact: a lot of schools offer mentorship programs specifically for first-generation, low-income, and/or students of color. If not found in the career services department, it might be within the multicultural center on campus.

Remember: the key to professionally leveling up quickly is networking, networking, networking. Make sure the schools you decide to apply to help facilitate opportunities for you to network easily.

Financial Aid 💸

Find out which schools place an emphasis on affordability.

Admissions 📇

If you decide their previous answers are sounding like music to your ears, consider the following:

Tailor your application to meet what they are looking to see.

Visiting colleges across the country can be expensive 👉 check out fly-in programs. A lot of higher institutions host events where you can get flown out for free and experience an on campus visit. These typically occur in the spring of junior year or fall of senior year and they prioritize students from diverse backgrounds. Submit an application today, catch an all expense paid flight to check out the (potential) college of your dreams in a few months.

Like Love Island, you only have a few applications in your hands (figuratively speaking of course – everything is online). This will help you do your evaluation of what schools deserve to stay or go (*cue dramatic music*). With this starter list, you’ll be ready for these college visits and fairs and show them that you are taking this process seriously and know your stuff, which will hopefully leave a strong impression!